Now I Know Why | Pastor Steven Furtick | Elevation Church

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  1. 2 years later, middle of the night in South Africa. 3 weeks ago I didn't believe I was gonna make it through one more long sleepless night until a random YouTube recommendation brought me to where I am now, 3 years after almost giving up, 3 weeks after almost slipping back into that dreaded dark place. It's late after 3 a.m, yet here I am now, a singer-songwriter and musician starting to find himself anew, listening to this sermon while editing my first short film which I wrote, directed, got to act in along side my best friend, and about to start doing the music and song recording. All praise and glory goes to God for bringing me to where I am now, and pastor Steven and elevation church helped bring a lost boy who abandoned his religion into a new place of living to use his gifts and his story to help others going through the same silent hardships and walk as proof of God's grace and glory. Thank you for helping me realize the pain was all a part of preparing me for my purpose.

  2. It’s great to tithe, but you have to make sure you are tithing in the right place. You don’t have to tithe to a church, you can go buy food for the homeless, etc. Tithing to pay for a jet plane or a 5,000 -10,000 square foot house or someone’s life style is not in my plan. Churches need to be more transparent. Jesus said “render to Cesar what is Cesar’s” churches need to start paying property taxes.


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