Mike Huckabee Never Forgot This Billy Graham Sermon

Former governor Mike Huckabee still gets emotional thinking about a sermon illustration he heard from Billy Graham in 1972. He shared the story while hosting the Prayer March 2020 livestream with the evangelist’s granddaughter, Cissie Graham Lynch.

Watch a replay of Prayer March 2020: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPKR0pB_NEY


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    We must gather in prayer digitally or in person and pray against the evils spirits and witchcraft that will happen on halloween because I had found out that a lot of these wiccans and witches are planning to do these rituals and they are even making a movie out of it for halloween. I know that as Christians we have power over these evil spirits and spells in Jesus Christ name. I just want you guys to be aware ahead of time and pray without ceasing when Halloween comes. God Bless you and take care!

  2. Now let's tell you a story about a man named Jesus:

    A god assaulted, by proxy,
    inseminated a 'virgin' named Mary, in order to bring his son incarnate into our world.
    A cowardly action…
    Mary and her fiance?,
    ….Joseph, had to travel to Bethlehem to register for the census.
    There Mary gave birth to a son of a god.?
    God put a star in the sky to guide people to the baby?
    In a dream God told Joseph to take his family to Egypt.
    Then this God stood by and watched as Herod killed thousands and thousands of babies in Israel in an attempt to kill Jesus. (wow!)

    As a man, God's son claimed that he was God incarnate: "I am the way, the truth and the life," he said.
    This man performed many 'miracles'. He healed lots of sick people. He turned water into wine. These miracles prove that he is God? Miracles??
    But he was eventually given the death sentence and killed by crucifixion.

    His body was placed in a tomb.
    But three days later, the tomb was empty.
    And the man, alive once again but still with his wounds (so anyone who doubted could see them and touch them), appeared to many people in many places.

    Then he ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of his god the father almighty, never to be seen again.

    Today you can have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus.
    You can pray to this man and he will answer your prayers.
    He will cure your diseases, rescue you from emergencies, help you make important business and family decisions, comfort you in times of worry and grief, etc.
    This man will also give you eternal life, and if you are good he has a place for you in heaven after you die.

    The reason we know all this is because, after the man died, four people named Matthew, Mark, Luke and John wrote accounts of the man's life. Their written attestations are proof of the veracity of this story.
    This is the story of a Jesus. ""

    Do you believe this story?

    You are Delusional !!~!

    *However any debate on this is useless – since a god needs to be proven – First.

    However, …. any debate on this is useless, since a god
    needs to be proven – First.

    FIRST !!!

  3. Please pray for Armenia, aggressive Azerbaijan attacked civilians in Karabakh, in the name of Jesus Christ, please pray, people are dying, we need peace, Israel is selling weapons to Azerbejan now

  4. Please pray for Armenia, aggressive Azerbaijan attacked civilians in Karabakh, in the name of Jesus Christ, please pray, people are dying, we need peace, Israel is selling weapons to Azerbejan now

  5. Please pray for Armenia, aggressive Azerbaijan attacked civilians in Karabakh, in the name of Jesus Christ, please pray, people are dying, we need peace, Israel is selling weapons to Azerbejan now

  6. Keep your heads up Jesus Christ is coming to get us! New Video up – Oct. 2nd Heavens SHAKE VIOLENTLY Enoch CH 60? + Temple Coins Put VACCINE On ABRAHAM ACCORD MEDALLION!

  7. Brothers & sisters in Christ, I encourage you all to take advantage in reaching the lost by leaving the Gospel in the comments of relatively new posts of social media platforms; especially YouTube. This has been by far the easiest way for me to win souls for God’s kingdom. Please use the template I’ve left below, & be sure to NEVER add or remove anything from this message; it has a special way of convicting the lost.
    For a copy, email me at;
    Or inquire over WhatsApp; https://chat.whatsapp.com/FwcO6aqi10UKyS4NmrtvQg

    The message is as follows

    This is the Most Important post you will ever read;

    Every one of us has broken God’s moral law, the Ten Commandments. We’ve all lied and we’ve all stolen, which makes us liars & thieves; And James 2 : 10 states that even breaking just one of these commandment makes us guilty of breaking them all.

    The problem is, we can never ‘outweigh’ our sin with good works because The Creator is perfect in holiness, meaning his standard is beyond our reach. He is also perfect in justice, meaning not a single sin will go unpunished; and our penalty for sin is death & hell, which the Bible describes as Eternal fire, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

    Fortunately God is also perfect in love, so 2000 years ago Jesus Christ left his throne in heaven and came to this earth. Here, he lived a perfect & sinless life, only to take the punishment that we deserved; Our sinless creator became our sin, & endured a painful death on a cross for our sake. Right before he died, he said ‘it is finished’.. meaning, the debt for our sins has been paid in full. On the third day, he conquered death & rose from the grave. So now, we can go free from the wrath of Gods judgement not by earning it, but rather, as a free gift of grace; except a gift can either be accepted or rejected..

    So this is what you must do in response;

    Humbly admit to God that you have sinned against him, & through gratitude in the sacrifice of his son, repent (turn away) from your old ways. Then, confess with your mouth that Jesus Christ is Lord, your savior, & the ruler of your life from this moment forward (Romans 10:9), and you will be saved.
    The moment you do this, God will grant you a new heart which no longer finds pleasure in sin, & also, he will grant you eternal life in his presence; Nothing on this earth even close to compares to what awaits believers in the afterlife.

    You’ve been informed; now the choice is yours. What you do with this information will determine where you spend ETERNITY.. meaning, this is the single most critical decision you will EVER make. And all of us here, whether believer or atheist, know deep down that every last word here is true .

    Jesus Christ is awaiting YOU right this very moment; don’t even think about sleeping tonight until you have surrendered to him, because your tomorrow isn’t guaranteed.. and as it is written(Hebrews 9 : 27);
    ‘it is appointed unto man ONCE to die, but after this, THE JUDGMENT’

  8. I simply wanted to say that this prayer movement was such a wonderful success. However, my hope is that this organization, the folks speaking out about peace and prayer, would become more educated in the corrupt practices in business and medicine and government today. Look around. There are independent journalists all over that may provide you with good information. James Corbett, Abby Martin, Dr. Pamela Popper, Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai, to name merely a few. Listen to them talk about isolating virus. Listen to them talk about real pandemic statistics. Listen to them talk about 5G networks. It is difficult for me to take anything you guys say seriously when you are praying for a vaccine. There are so many reasons why we should be alarmed at what is occurring today, I do not know where to begin. I will just say that you must do your homework.  

    Many of the speakers you invited, are corrupt. I hate to relate this to you, and I do not want to offend you in any way, however, these people "play into the monied interests" that are creating the narratives we all face today. Wake up please. Wake up. If you are still listening to mainstream news narratives, how can you not know that you are being deceived? The news medias are owned by just a few men. WAKE UP!

  9. The gospel that Billy Graham believed and taught, which is that gospel most of Christendom has come to the full to believe, is not the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Rather that gospel Billy G. taught was/is another gospel that deceives many to think they are something they are not. The church needs to wake up and realize that the gospel is not Jesus Christ's testimony (life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension). Rather is that we walk after and keep His Law, the Ten Commandments (TC), which He makes possible for us to do by His testimony via the help and power of the Holy Spirit. The deception is in being persuaded to believe His blood represents His holiness for us, which is a lie. Understand His blood does not represent us holy; rather it presents us holy, which means there is a labor (a good work) we need to do to enter into His rest: maintain and preserve ourselves holy, for He is holy, for it is written, "Be ye holy, for I Am holy" (1 Pet. 1:16). Notice that Peter references the O.T. while living in the N.T.

    The truth of the matter is this, Billy Graham, whether intentionally or unintentionally, has done the church and the world a great disservice by preaching another gospel, which is not another.
    God is: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and these Three are one, amen.

  10. Escape from Babylon! The first gospel is the first to bring success and is well known to preach! Those who personally use the name of the Savior to their advantage! Escape users who plunder for tithing on behalf of a Savior! Escape such gospels first, only focus on improvement! Escape from such a church where man is glorified in the position of Christ! Escape from congregations where, based on a Word, they set up a half-year-old branch because every party represents every endangered and every dangerous crime! Therefore, in each case, we sign the speech of the published persons with 2 or 3 divine truths! Where the Truth is worthless, "God is the saving wisdom of the Savior of the Truth, the written truth of the Holy Spirit, read with two or three Words, who paid with one blood for the Ecclesia. Escape from churches where there is no Bible! Where knowledge is worthless, where it cannot be taught, then examine the great, Where there is no repentance! Where the Savior's sacrifice is not mentioned! Escape your relationship with the church if you are well aware of your sins! If you go into the church and sins, it is unknown, and you are sitting at the devil’s table! Escape a politicized user from a pulpit and everyone will use the Father’s pulpit differently and use it personally and in a politically acceptable way! Escape users, separate different ads between races and cultures! Escape the wicked and look at the movements and stay only from the prophecies who are just storytelling and joking! ESCAPE AS NEVER ESCAPE AGAIN !!

  11. Because the Word of GOD is alive, and effective, and more penetrating than any double-edged sword, and penetrates even the division of the soul and the spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart . (Hebrews 4:12)


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