How Have You Processed the Sin of Ravi Zacharias?Special Episode. Read or subscribe: source (Visited 10 times, 1 visits today)
I would encourage the followers that the Holy Spirit called them and will continue to work in them to conform them to the image of Christ, regardless of the person through whom the gospel was presented. One person sows, another waters but God reaps the harvest- so rest assured God has a path forward for you- it is not dependent upon that one person. Their failures do not negate your calling or redemption.
The same way I proceed King David’s sins. I still love the Psalm and read them. Ravi was a gifted teacher and taught God’s Word! He was a sinner saved by grace. Anyone who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone! ❤️
True authority and true power is never vested or granted by another but always has to be earned. If we are honest with ourselves, none of us have the true authority and the true power to judge Ravi Zacharias because none of us are righteous in our own lives in our own eyes. So the solution to ones own sin is always only to stop ones own sinning on the negative side and on the contrary to start being holy and virtuous on the positive side, to stop being evil on the negative side and to start being good on the positive side. If the wages of sin is death, then what could the reward for righteousness be but eternal life.
R.Z. was just another FALSE DOCTRINE TEACHER just like the organization that "Desiring God" represents! Reformed Theology is not in the Bible and is still leading millions to eternal Hell since 1560 A.D.
Are you kidding me?! This is an actually video talking about how we are processing Ravi's sin?! How about a video on how we are processing our own sin?! This type of so called ministry should be lumped in with the heresy hunters. Do you actually think you are reaching the lost by doing this? Look at the log in your own eye before trying to take out the speck out of someone else's eye.
I think Ravi is human. Many people struggle with lust. I still can appreciate his sermons and be disappointed with reality. But we will all fall to our own sins. Hopefully he was not ignorant with God on his death bed. We will all need forgiveness.
Ravi’s fall shows a deep problem with modern day Christianity. Too much men’s wisdom in his mouth and almost all pastors, not so much power from Holy Spirit! Modern day churches are filled with traditions, shallow teachings, pyramidal structure… what a disaster! God is judging with wrath!
Where were those people to expose him whilst they were involved with him during that scandal..!?? And while he was alive ?? What were you guys doing on media journalism then ??
I can never put into words how deeply saddened I was at the news of what Ravi had done. I learned so much from his ministry and "was mightily strengthened by what he taught" and felt let. From time to time I find quotes I wrote down, remember things that he said, and even hear him speaking in my mind. Hearing Pastor Piper's message, especially his last statement (at 14:30) comforted me. I pray for Ravi's family and anyone who was blindsided by this in his ministry team (I feel confident in saying that some did know, may God forgive them). I am certain that their pain in this betrayal is greater than any of us could imagine.
You do realize that there may be things that have not come out about Ravi. Is it possible with the kind of man that Robbie was, a pervert, that he may have been putting his mouth on other men's scrotums
When I first heard what Ravi did, I was shocked. But now a year later, I've become so intimately acquainted with my severe shortcomings, that now I barely feel anything when I hear about Ravi's case. He's a fallen human, just like me. Actually, the incident concerning Ravi so drastically changed my worldview, that now I can never look at myself and other Christians the same way again– meaning, I just see us as normal, fallen people.
I have been a pastor since 1983 and I have a question for you about our Christian lifestyle. In the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, Luke uses the Feasts of Israel 7 times. That’s an average of one Feast of Israel every 4 chapters, and 6 of those Feasts he uses as Time Markers (Acts 2:1; 12:3-4; 20:6, 16; 27:9). A Time Marker is an event that everyone is familiar with and so you can use it instead of speaking of the actual date. For instance, if I said I’ll meet you the day after Xmas, you’d know it’s Dec. 26th. I wouldn’t have to mention the date. Luke uses 6 Feasts of Israel like that to tell his Gentile friend Theophilus (Acts 1:1) WHEN Paul and others were at a particular place. This is a BIBLICAL FACT found in the Book of Acts. It’s not my opinion or my theology, which can be right or wrong. How can Luke, a Gentile, use various Feasts of Israel as Time Markers when the Church teaches that Mosaic Law, which the Feasts are part of (cf. Lev. 23), was invalidated for Christians at the death of Jesus? Luke wrote Acts, the ONLY divinely inspired HISTORY of the Apostolic Church in 64 AD or 34 years AFTER the death and Resurrection of Jesus, and Luke never uses Roman dating, which was used by everyone in the Roman Empire.
One example of the 6 Feasts Luke uses as Time Markers in Acts speaks of Paul and he staying at Philippi until AFTER the Feast of Unleavened Bread was over: “But we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days joined them at Troas, where we stayed seven days” (Acts 20:6 NKJV). It seems that they celebrated the Feast in Philippi and then left for Troas, but more importantly, how would Gentile Christian Theophilus know WHEN Luke sailed for Troas if Theophilus didn’t know WHEN the Feast of Unleavened Bread was? Do you know? Do you know when the other 5 Feasts of Israel in Acts that Luke uses as Time Marker are? Obviously, Gentile Christian Theophilus knew.
Living in the 21st century with Internet, iPhone and News from around the world you can look up when each Feast is, but do you even know what Feast Luke was speaking of when he writes of “the Fast being over” (Acts 27:9), and WHEN that is, without consulting a commentary or doing a Google search? You would if you celebrated the Feasts of Israel as Luke, Paul (1st Cor. 5:6-8), Theophilus and all Christians did in the days of the Apostles.
If my reasoning is flawed please correct me, but it appears that the Church falsely teaches against the Feasts of Israel, but instead keeps Feasts that are of pagan origin, which not only have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, but aren’t even spoken of in the New Testament, let alone to be kept “in honor of Jesus,” as some Christians say. On the contrary, Church History, which reveals that all Gentile Christians kept the Feasts of Israel during the time of the Apostles, which confirms how Luke could use the Feasts as Time Markers. Acts reveals that Christians were walking out their faith in Jesus through the Feasts of Israel and subsequently, all the rules of Mosaic Law that applied to them, like Passover, the 7th day Sabbath and the Mosaic Dietary laws (see A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at, and The Feasts of Israel and the Church and Law 102 at
Not once does Luke or anyone else in Scripture speak of keeping Sunday, Easter*1* or Xmas, and only one time does Luke refer to the first day of the week in Acts (commonly known as Sunday; Acts 20:7), which theologians now realize biblically begins on Saturday night, which is when the meeting in Acts 20:7 began, not Sunday morning. Luke never speaks of Sunday replacing the Sabbath or even Sunday as the “new day” for Christians, or even Sunday as “the Lord’s Day,” which is only written once in the New Testament in Rev. 1:10 by the Apostle John, and it’s never equated it with “Sunday.”*2* We would expect this “change of Sabbath to Sunday that happened after the Cross,” as the Church teaches us, to not only be mentioned in Acts, as a historical matter, but actually to be held up and taught in many of the Letters of Paul and others, as the “new day for Christians,” but nothing of the sort is seen. The Apostle Paul though, writing to his predominantly Gentile Corinthians, exhorts them to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st Cor. 5:6-8; written 53 AD).
It wasn’t the Lord through His inspired New Testament Scriptures who changed Sabbath to Sunday and Passover to Easter, and threw out Mosaic Law. It was Pope Sixtus in 120 AD (see Snapshot Christianity is conceptually as perverse as Judaism is. They both teach the traditions of men that nullify God’s Word. For instance, Christianity teaches that Christians can eat bacon and shrimp, but the Vision of Peter in Acts 10, which many Christians use to justify their eating of what the Bible calls unclean animals, when properly interpreted, doesn’t have anything to do with eating food, but going to the “unclean” idol worshipping Gentiles (see Law 102 at, which deals with Peter’s Vision, and also Jesus allegedly declaring “all foods clean” in Mark 7:19. See Nailed to the Cross—Col. 2:13-17 at for what Paul meant when he wrote of something being nailed to the Cross and also his speaking of not letting anyone judge us in Feast, New Moon or Sabbaths; Col. 2:16).
When I gave me life to Jesus in October 1975, I was looking for God and HIS Truth. Instead I found heretical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church permeating Christianity, for it was Rome who gave us Sunday, Easter and Xmas and the eating of unclean animals, and a contempt for Mosaic Law at the New Testament’s Christian lifestyle. At first I didn’t realize it was wrong, but after 8 years of walking with the Lord He began to teach me of His Days and His Ways. I hope that you are wanting His Truth more than Rome’s traditions that nullify God’s Word. My teaching goes against the Christian Tree of Tradition that forbids Mosaic Law as God’s lifestyle.
I am not saying that you need Mosaic Law for salvation, but once saved does it matter if you sin? (Cf. Rom. 6:1-3f.) I hope you will not settle for walking out your faith in Jesus the Pope’s Way, as it is diametrically opposed to God’s Ways and Days, and it is sin against Jesus whom you love and want to obey.
If you have any questions about our walking out our faith in Jesus through all the rules of Mosaic Law that apply to us, let me know, but only if you comprehend what I’ve just written, and perhaps read one or more of the articles I’ve provided for you. If you don’t comprehend my position then please do not respond to me, for you will only be giving me your opinion on this issue of Christian lifestyle, no matter how many Scriptures you may present to overturn my position. As such, I will not respond because opinions not based on proper Scripture interpretation only tend to go round and round in circles, and I don’t think you want to do that. I know I don’t. I hope that you can hear the Voice of your Lord in what I’ve presented. Truly, He is coming to you through me.
Blessings from Above, Avram Yehoshua Minister and Senior Elder The Loving Jesus since 1975. Pastoring and teaching the Body of Christ the Lord’s Days and Ways since 1983.
1 Only the King James Version has “Easter” in Acts 12:4. All other Bibles have Passover, and rightfully so. The Greek Textus Receptus manuscript, which is the basis for the KJV, has Paska, which in English is Passover, not Easter. The KJV translators of Acts 12:4 were wrong. Easter and Passover are two totally different feasts, which fall on two different days.
2 Luke also uses the term “Sabbath” 8 times in Acts (13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4), and it’s used in Col. 2:16 and Hebrews 4:9 (where the KJV and NKJV fail to correctly translate the Greek word Sabbatismos, but every other English Bible has “Sabbath rest,” not just “rest”). This reveals that Sunday had not yet replaced the Sabbath during the time of the Apostles. The Sabbath was actually kept by all Christians until Pope Sixtus changed it in 120 AD, or 90 years after the Resurrection (see A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at God did not institute Sunday as a replacement for the 7th day Sabbath (cf. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 16:23f.; Mark 2:27-28). Also, John wrote his Gospel about the same time as he wrote Revelation (95 AD). In his Gospel he speaks of Sunday as “the first day of the week,” but never as “the Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:0). It was Catholicism around 150 AD that interpreted “the Lord’s Day” as Sunday. It’s a Roman Catholic tradition that nullifies God’s Word. “The Lord’s Day” of Rev. 1:10 is the End Time “Day” or season of God’s Wrath upon the world and His redemption, which is what the entire Book of Revelation is about.
The god of Heaven and Jesus Christ forgive all sins whether they are made in maturity over there or made an immaturity if we are sons of the Kingdom of Heaven we will always be sons of the kingdom of heaven we are imperfect we make sure but we are imperfect and able to make mistakes of any Level in any degree
I saw through Ravi almost inmedietely. He was arrogant in his approach to Scripture and how he dealt with non-believers. We see this all too often from those who eventually fall into grave error and sin.
The allegations were reported as being originally set in motion by an atheist that hated Ravi. The so called investors were hacks paid to find dirt, as they were hired to do with other people who were targeted by accusers. But what of cross examination? This case seems to fall apart when examined with an open mind. The Bible puts “bearing false witness” up there with adultery and murder. Maybe they need to check the bank accounts of those who came forward with the allegations. I’ve watched enough programming on crime to know this case against Ravi is flimsy.
It's still hard for me to believe the accusations against Ravi. That's because there was no evidence brought forward publicly during his lifetime — especially in the months just before his death. Why was he not confronted years ago so that he could either defend himself or admit his guilt? Surely if he were as guilty as some claim, many, many victims would have come forth to blow the whistle on him, thereby requiring a public confession/explanation. But that never happened and so I remain unconvinced. Remember that Jimmy Swaggart was brought down by one pastor who got wind of Swaggart's sexual sin. Through that confrontation, Swaggart sorrowfully and repentantly asked for forgiveness.
I would encourage the followers that the Holy Spirit called them and will continue to work in them to conform them to the image of Christ, regardless of the person through whom the gospel was presented. One person sows, another waters but God reaps the harvest- so rest assured God has a path forward for you- it is not dependent upon that one person. Their failures do not negate your calling or redemption.
The same way I proceed King David’s sins. I still love the Psalm and read them. Ravi was a gifted teacher and taught God’s Word! He was a sinner saved by grace. Anyone who hasn’t sinned cast the first stone! ❤️
True authority and true power is never vested or granted by another but always has to be earned. If we are honest with ourselves, none of us have the true authority and the true power to judge Ravi Zacharias because none of us are righteous in our own lives in our own eyes. So the solution to ones own sin is always only to stop ones own sinning on the negative side and on the contrary to start being holy and virtuous on the positive side, to stop being evil on the negative side and to start being good on the positive side. If the wages of sin is death, then what could the reward for righteousness be but eternal life.
R.Z. was just another FALSE DOCTRINE TEACHER just like the organization that "Desiring God" represents! Reformed Theology is not in the Bible and is still leading millions to eternal Hell since 1560 A.D.
I think everyone should process their own sin. How gross it is to point fingers at others. Christianity is so foul.
Do all good people go to heaven?
It’s actually a sickness! Pathetic
There, but for the grace of God, go I. I don't have a log in my eye, I have a log jam.
Are you kidding me?! This is an actually video talking about how we are processing Ravi's sin?! How about a video on how we are processing our own sin?! This type of so called ministry should be lumped in with the heresy hunters. Do you actually think you are reaching the lost by doing this? Look at the log in your own eye before trying to take out the speck out of someone else's eye.
I think Ravi is human. Many people struggle with lust. I still can appreciate his sermons and be disappointed with reality. But we will all fall to our own sins. Hopefully he was not ignorant with God on his death bed. We will all need forgiveness.
Ravi’s fall shows a deep problem with modern day Christianity. Too much men’s wisdom in his mouth and almost all pastors, not so much power from Holy Spirit! Modern day churches are filled with traditions, shallow teachings, pyramidal structure… what a disaster! God is judging with wrath!
Where were those people to expose him whilst they were involved with him during that scandal..!?? And while he was alive ?? What were you guys doing on media journalism then ??
I can never put into words how deeply saddened I was at the news of what Ravi had done. I learned so much from his ministry and "was mightily strengthened by what he taught" and felt let. From time to time I find quotes I wrote down, remember things that he said, and even hear him speaking in my mind. Hearing Pastor Piper's message, especially his last statement (at 14:30) comforted me. I pray for Ravi's family and anyone who was blindsided by this in his ministry team (I feel confident in saying that some did know, may God forgive them). I am certain that their pain in this betrayal is greater than any of us could imagine.
You do realize that there may be things that have not come out about Ravi. Is it possible with the kind of man that Robbie was, a pervert, that he may have been putting his mouth on other men's scrotums
I AM that hypocrite! Please lord, forgive me!
Piper, I hold against you the fact that you Knew/suspected things about Ravi, but did NOT confront him about them.
When I first heard what Ravi did, I was shocked. But now a year later, I've become so intimately acquainted with my severe shortcomings, that now I barely feel anything when I hear about Ravi's case. He's a fallen human, just like me. Actually, the incident concerning Ravi so drastically changed my worldview, that now I can never look at myself and other Christians the same way again– meaning, I just see us as normal, fallen people.
I have been a pastor since 1983 and I have a question for you about our Christian lifestyle. In the 28 chapters of the Book of Acts, Luke uses the Feasts of Israel 7 times. That’s an average of one Feast of Israel every 4 chapters, and 6 of those Feasts he uses as Time Markers (Acts 2:1; 12:3-4; 20:6, 16; 27:9). A Time Marker is an event that everyone is familiar with and so you can use it instead of speaking of the actual date. For instance, if I said I’ll meet you the day after Xmas, you’d know it’s Dec. 26th. I wouldn’t have to mention the date. Luke uses 6 Feasts of Israel like that to tell his Gentile friend Theophilus (Acts 1:1) WHEN Paul and others were at a particular place. This is a BIBLICAL FACT found in the Book of Acts. It’s not my opinion or my theology, which can be right or wrong. How can Luke, a Gentile, use various Feasts of Israel as Time Markers when the Church teaches that Mosaic Law, which the Feasts are part of (cf. Lev. 23), was invalidated for Christians at the death of Jesus? Luke wrote Acts, the ONLY divinely inspired HISTORY of the Apostolic Church in 64 AD or 34 years AFTER the death and Resurrection of Jesus, and Luke never uses Roman dating, which was used by everyone in the Roman Empire.
One example of the 6 Feasts Luke uses as Time Markers in Acts speaks of Paul and he staying at Philippi until AFTER the Feast of Unleavened Bread was over: “But we sailed away from Philippi after the Days of Unleavened Bread, and in five days joined them at Troas, where we stayed seven days” (Acts 20:6 NKJV). It seems that they celebrated the Feast in Philippi and then left for Troas, but more importantly, how would Gentile Christian Theophilus know WHEN Luke sailed for Troas if Theophilus didn’t know WHEN the Feast of Unleavened Bread was? Do you know? Do you know when the other 5 Feasts of Israel in Acts that Luke uses as Time Marker are? Obviously, Gentile Christian Theophilus knew.
Living in the 21st century with Internet, iPhone and News from around the world you can look up when each Feast is, but do you even know what Feast Luke was speaking of when he writes of “the Fast being over” (Acts 27:9), and WHEN that is, without consulting a commentary or doing a Google search? You would if you celebrated the Feasts of Israel as Luke, Paul (1st Cor. 5:6-8), Theophilus and all Christians did in the days of the Apostles.
If my reasoning is flawed please correct me, but it appears that the Church falsely teaches against the Feasts of Israel, but instead keeps Feasts that are of pagan origin, which not only have absolutely nothing to do with Jesus of Nazareth, but aren’t even spoken of in the New Testament, let alone to be kept “in honor of Jesus,” as some Christians say. On the contrary, Church History, which reveals that all Gentile Christians kept the Feasts of Israel during the time of the Apostles, which confirms how Luke could use the Feasts as Time Markers. Acts reveals that Christians were walking out their faith in Jesus through the Feasts of Israel and subsequently, all the rules of Mosaic Law that applied to them, like Passover, the 7th day Sabbath and the Mosaic Dietary laws (see A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at, and The Feasts of Israel and the Church and Law 102 at
Not once does Luke or anyone else in Scripture speak of keeping Sunday, Easter*1* or Xmas, and only one time does Luke refer to the first day of the week in Acts (commonly known as Sunday; Acts 20:7), which theologians now realize biblically begins on Saturday night, which is when the meeting in Acts 20:7 began, not Sunday morning. Luke never speaks of Sunday replacing the Sabbath or even Sunday as the “new day” for Christians, or even Sunday as “the Lord’s Day,” which is only written once in the New Testament in Rev. 1:10 by the Apostle John, and it’s never equated it with “Sunday.”*2* We would expect this “change of Sabbath to Sunday that happened after the Cross,” as the Church teaches us, to not only be mentioned in Acts, as a historical matter, but actually to be held up and taught in many of the Letters of Paul and others, as the “new day for Christians,” but nothing of the sort is seen. The Apostle Paul though, writing to his predominantly Gentile Corinthians, exhorts them to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread (1st Cor. 5:6-8; written 53 AD).
It wasn’t the Lord through His inspired New Testament Scriptures who changed Sabbath to Sunday and Passover to Easter, and threw out Mosaic Law. It was Pope Sixtus in 120 AD (see Snapshot Christianity is conceptually as perverse as Judaism is. They both teach the traditions of men that nullify God’s Word. For instance, Christianity teaches that Christians can eat bacon and shrimp, but the Vision of Peter in Acts 10, which many Christians use to justify their eating of what the Bible calls unclean animals, when properly interpreted, doesn’t have anything to do with eating food, but going to the “unclean” idol worshipping Gentiles (see Law 102 at, which deals with Peter’s Vision, and also Jesus allegedly declaring “all foods clean” in Mark 7:19. See Nailed to the Cross—Col. 2:13-17 at for what Paul meant when he wrote of something being nailed to the Cross and also his speaking of not letting anyone judge us in Feast, New Moon or Sabbaths; Col. 2:16).
When I gave me life to Jesus in October 1975, I was looking for God and HIS Truth. Instead I found heretical traditions of the Roman Catholic Church permeating Christianity, for it was Rome who gave us Sunday, Easter and Xmas and the eating of unclean animals, and a contempt for Mosaic Law at the New Testament’s Christian lifestyle. At first I didn’t realize it was wrong, but after 8 years of walking with the Lord He began to teach me of His Days and His Ways. I hope that you are wanting His Truth more than Rome’s traditions that nullify God’s Word. My teaching goes against the Christian Tree of Tradition that forbids Mosaic Law as God’s lifestyle.
I am not saying that you need Mosaic Law for salvation, but once saved does it matter if you sin? (Cf. Rom. 6:1-3f.) I hope you will not settle for walking out your faith in Jesus the Pope’s Way, as it is diametrically opposed to God’s Ways and Days, and it is sin against Jesus whom you love and want to obey.
If you have any questions about our walking out our faith in Jesus through all the rules of Mosaic Law that apply to us, let me know, but only if you comprehend what I’ve just written, and perhaps read one or more of the articles I’ve provided for you. If you don’t comprehend my position then please do not respond to me, for you will only be giving me your opinion on this issue of Christian lifestyle, no matter how many Scriptures you may present to overturn my position. As such, I will not respond because opinions not based on proper Scripture interpretation only tend to go round and round in circles, and I don’t think you want to do that. I know I don’t. I hope that you can hear the Voice of your Lord in what I’ve presented. Truly, He is coming to you through me.
Blessings from Above,
Avram Yehoshua
Minister and Senior Elder
Loving Jesus since 1975.
Pastoring and teaching the Body of Christ the Lord’s Days and Ways since 1983.
1 Only the King James Version has “Easter” in Acts 12:4. All other Bibles have Passover, and rightfully so. The Greek Textus Receptus manuscript, which is the basis for the KJV, has Paska, which in English is Passover, not Easter. The KJV translators of Acts 12:4 were wrong. Easter and Passover are two totally different feasts, which fall on two different days.
2 Luke also uses the term “Sabbath” 8 times in Acts (13:14, 27, 42, 44; 15:21; 16:13; 17:2; 18:4), and it’s used in Col. 2:16 and Hebrews 4:9 (where the KJV and NKJV fail to correctly translate the Greek word Sabbatismos, but every other English Bible has “Sabbath rest,” not just “rest”). This reveals that Sunday had not yet replaced the Sabbath during the time of the Apostles. The Sabbath was actually kept by all Christians until Pope Sixtus changed it in 120 AD, or 90 years after the Resurrection (see A Snapshot of Church History and Mosaic Law at God did not institute Sunday as a replacement for the 7th day Sabbath (cf. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 16:23f.; Mark 2:27-28). Also, John wrote his Gospel about the same time as he wrote Revelation (95 AD). In his Gospel he speaks of Sunday as “the first day of the week,” but never as “the Lord’s Day” (Rev. 1:0). It was Catholicism around 150 AD that interpreted “the Lord’s Day” as Sunday. It’s a Roman Catholic tradition that nullifies God’s Word. “The Lord’s Day” of Rev. 1:10 is the End Time “Day” or season of God’s Wrath upon the world and His redemption, which is what the entire Book of Revelation is about.
Yes my thoughts exactly. My bible hero David
A well stated writing. Thanks for it!
The god of Heaven and Jesus Christ forgive all sins whether they are made in maturity over there or made an immaturity if we are sons of the Kingdom of Heaven we will always be sons of the kingdom of heaven we are imperfect we make sure but we are imperfect and able to make mistakes of any Level in any degree
Thank you for posting.
Man will always let you down I. E.. Bob Coy, tullian tchividjian.,……. King David
I saw through Ravi almost inmedietely. He was arrogant in his approach to Scripture and how he dealt with non-believers. We see this all too often from those who eventually fall into grave error and sin.
judgey much ya
The allegations were reported as being originally set in motion by an atheist that hated Ravi. The so called investors were hacks paid to find dirt, as they were hired to do with other people who were targeted by accusers. But what of cross examination? This case seems to fall apart when examined with an open mind. The Bible puts “bearing false witness” up there with adultery and murder. Maybe they need to check the bank accounts of those who came forward with the allegations. I’ve watched enough programming on crime to know this case against Ravi is flimsy.
How about those of Mars Hill Church?
if you are a leader in your church, and you struggle with pornography, GET HELP! Please. Don't let this vile sin destroy you.
The world doesn't give second chances but God does, thank God he will be judge over us when it's all said and done.
Anyone who claims to as much as even speak for god is himself/herself always a deceiver.
Have the so-called victims taken a lie-detector test?
Wow this was the Best explanation I’ve heard on the subject !!!!
John piper is a treasure to the body of Christ .. this is so helpful to look for the signs of wolves in Sheeps clothing
Sympathy they must be tethered to the truth 🙏 Amen
no, I haven't processed it. I'm working on my own salvation
Well, seeing as how i don’t take much stock in the likes of Piper, keller, etc, etc anymore, i don’t give a hoot how he “processes” it.
It's still hard for me to believe the accusations against Ravi. That's because there was no evidence brought forward publicly during his lifetime — especially in the months just before his death. Why was he not confronted years ago so that he could either defend himself or admit his guilt? Surely if he were as guilty as some claim, many, many victims would have come forth to blow the whistle on him, thereby requiring a public confession/explanation. But that never happened and so I remain unconvinced. Remember that Jimmy Swaggart was brought down by one pastor who got wind of Swaggart's sexual sin. Through that confrontation, Swaggart sorrowfully and repentantly asked for forgiveness.