Billy Graham’s Message to New York

In the same Central Park where our crisis-trained chaplains are ministering right now, Billy Graham encouraged 250,000 New Yorkers with these words. Find comfort in his hopeful, yet raw message—and invite a friend to watch with you.

If anxiety over the coronavirus is weighing you down, we would love to pray with you. Call the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association Prayer Line at 1-888-388-2683.


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  1. 자신이 진정으로 죄인인 것을 알고 예수 그리스도께서 나의 죄를 제거하시기 위해서 십자가에서 피 흘려 죽으시고 묻히셨다가 삼 일만에 다시 일어나신 사실을 마음으로 믿고 주 예수 그리스도를 구주로 영접하면 지옥에 가지 않게 됩니다 이것은 하나님의 은혜입니다 이것이 예수 그리스도께서 이 땅에 오신 목적입니다 오늘 예수 그리스도께 나아오십시오 꼭 구원 받으십시오 하나님께서 여러분의 혼을 축복하시기를 기도합니다 또한 하나님께서 킹제임스 흠정역을 축복하시기를 기도합니다 아멘

  2. I learned of Reverend Billy Graham as a child due to my dad always turned him up in sound on our little black and white TV. Today I still watch and listen to his preaching on the iPad I recently purchased. I was as a child afraid of his voice but today I realize it was the loudness of the sound coming out of that loud TV. I hear his voice from the past but every word he spoke is TRUTH. God loves us and we are all Gods children.

  3. Thank you so much, sir, continue to rest in Him forever, even today, 28/5/2022, Mr. Graham your preaching is still all the spiritual food needed to overcome this wicked generation. Even though I was not in your generation but thank God you are online so we can hear you. thank you so much! see you in eternity in Jesus' name amen.

  4. It sad to think the twin towers are gone and now so is dear Mr. Billy Graham the best minister that has ever lived.R.I.P. Rev.Graham i will see you in beautiful Heaven somday soon.🙏💔

  5. God never leave us, but we who abandoned HIM.
    Whatever our situation now, as long as we still live, we still have Hope. And hope in Christ will set you free and restore ur life.

  6. Timeless message from the master evangelist himself. Love you Billy. There's very few who can say it like you. There are none who have done as much as you to spread the word of God.

  7. “We’ve turned to somewhere else, and we failed. Now, let’s turn to God.” (Billy Graham)

    I believe this sentence is the heart of his message to NY-kers and the world. 🙏✝️

  8. They should have all Billy Graham's teachings on every TV in the world…. A man of God anointed to spread the Word. Powerful and Politicians are fearful of this Preacher, but his word carries on…. Praise God. OUR SAVIOR LIVES and loves us all…. REPENT, BELIEVE and be SAVED. Amen

  9. The lord thy God is angry with the world. Who thinks abuse child pragnography is ok to create Jobs situation. The Law is Blind. For they law use that as a trap to trap innocent lives shame on the law. For the lord is watching and weeping for his children's. Its temptation. It's disrespectful to the eye's of the Lord thy God almighty Jesus christ. Lord Distroy them all. I pray and ask. In Jesus name amen 🙏

  10. Did not realize Central Park was so large. 250,000 attending. Love this GOD fearing Pastor.
    I listen each night. Yes,🙏🙏 it helps me cope with this cruel World.

  11. I. Was Born in Nashville ,Tn TO A ll t Tennessee you say you Love GOD and not LOVE your. Neighbor as YOUR self you are all Liars specially the so called tmen of GOD Jesus Christ has set YOU an example. But you desire. Your self your all Liars

  12. America has been the most powerful in every fields of our life, politics of the world, economic, militaries, sciences n cultures. But Mother theresa said Westerns were powerful n wealthy in economy but still poor in love with God. Thats why God sent Graham to bless America because this is promised land……..

  13. 10=30÷20 i want to tell my lord thanck you for giving me the strength. To be saved an baptized last sunday i feel good to be clean from all the sin but i am going to walk the narrow rd now an i know the lord will hold my hand so i wont stumble to the browed rd he will pull me right back to narrow rd.thank you my lord jesus my strengh.🙏


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